
Authenticity Guarantee

RCR Guarantees 100% Authenticity on all items. Our expert team of authenticators are well-versed in luxury goods and are trained to spot counterfeit items. Counterfeit items will not be bought nor sold at any time. If a consigned item is proved to be counterfeit, RCR will charge the client a 100% commission fee as well as be permanently removed from the RCR buyer network. If the commission fee is not paid within 30 days, RCR reserves the right to pursue legal action against the client on charges of counterfeit transactions and trademark infringement.

Return Policy

All Sales Are Final. The only stipulation to that is if the return falls under our lawful obligation as a business. We refund based on proof of in-authenticity of the item. No refunds will be given if there is proof of authenticity of the item. 

If the item is approved for return, you must postmark the item back to our showroom within 48 hours of delivery. Items must be returned in the exact condition they were shipped. We will investigate the item's authenticity and provide a refund for the item once it has proven to be a faux item.


Shipping Policy

Domestic Shipping

Items will be shipped within two days of received and verified payment. The estimated shipping time is 3 to 5 business days. Please be aware of the 1 Business day for processing when choosing Overnight Shipping. RCR only ships on Business Days, so if you place an order after close of business on Friday, please wait until the following Monday for confirmation of shipping. You will be provided a tracking number for your purchase in your email.


International Shipping 

Items will be shipped within 3-7 business days after verified payment has been received. Please be aware that there are no overnight or rush shipping options on International purchases. RCR only ships on Business Days, so if you place an order after close of business on Friday, please wait until the following Monday for confirmation of shipping. You will be provided a tracking number for your purchase in your email.